Four Must Own Homestead/Farm/Subsistence Handguns

Four must own homestead/farm/subsistence handguns.

There’s much talk about which guns are best for the homestead, farm, or subsistence lifestyle.  In most cases it centers on the long guns–which rifles or shotguns are best or most useful.  In fact, the LocaCarnivore produced a great video on the subject not long ago.  You can watch it HERE.  Several viewers–all right, quite a few–clamored for a follow up dedicated to handgun selection.  We have heard you, and the wait is over.  Your video is here!

Our company president took a look at the handgun market and applied experience gained over almost two decades as a homesteader and semi-subsistence hunter.  After much research and the occasional internal argument, he managed to narrow the field to the four most important handgun types.  No easy task given he can come up with a handgun for almost any plausible situation.

The major applications included hunting, defense, pest control.  Plus, the one handgun which is indispensable.  Hint, it’s not what many people might think.

With one exception the recommendations are not tied to a single caliber.  Rather, they are handgun categories based on the job at hand, and not fixated on any one particular handgun size or action-type.  They needed versatility, usability, and practicality.  Are they readily available?  In other words, no unobtainium niche guns.  Do they fire common ammo types?  Are there options for people who live in unenlightened places which have onerous legal restrictions?  Not to mention many other factors which came into consideration.

You may or may not agree with our list, or our selection criteria, but you will still gain valuable insight into which handguns are best in these situations.  Grab some popcorn, warm up your keyboard for those pithy comments, and watch this terrific video on the four must own handguns for homestead, farm, and subsistence.

Please support us on Patreon so we can continue to bring you more and better content. Plus, get our  comprehensive guide to hunting cartridges*:

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At time of publication, LocaCarnivore had no commercial interests in any products or brands mentioned in this video.

Always obtain firearms training from a qualified instructor.

*Book available when you contribute at the appropriate level.


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