5 Best Turkey Guns
What are the five best turkey guns? When you talk turkey guns, you talk shotguns for the most part. Shotguns are, in the main, simple devices: a basic tube for a barrel—smooth inside and out—a receiver to hold the lock…
What are the five best turkey guns? When you talk turkey guns, you talk shotguns for the most part. Shotguns are, in the main, simple devices: a basic tube for a barrel—smooth inside and out—a receiver to hold the lock…
Disclaimer: We provide links to our affiliates that help support The LocaCarnivore Hunter, so if you see any turkey calls you’d like to buy, use our links and help support us. It’s fall turkey season again! This means if you’re…
I must declare my bias up front. I love the .300 Winchester Magnum. It is accurate, shoots flat, and available on any gun store shelf. I’ve hunted with it for four or five seasons now and its effectiveness is something…
Thirty years ago, American shooters, for the most part, could care less about 6.5mm bullets or the cartridges which fired them. This reflected a situation which had existed since World War Two’s end in 1945. Other than the small cadre…
Elk are where you find them, the old saw goes. Every elk hunter wants to find those special areas elk frequent. Find elk habitat and you’ll find elk. Before the internet and public access satellite imagery, people found elk habitat…
Few game animals in this world will challenge a hunter more than North America’s pronghorn. A hold over from the last Ice Age, the pronghorn (Antilocapra Americana) inhabits the western U.S., central Canada, and northern Mexico. Considered an open prairie…
I grew up in western Colorado where hunting for deer and elk was a way of life. We successfully hunted them by learning their habits, scouting their habitats, and stalking them. I learned a lot more about stalking and stealth…
Okay, I admit it. I didn’t look forward to this assignment: write a few words about Remington’s famous Ultra Magnum rifle cartridges. These are, with little doubt, amongst my least favorite hunting rounds. I’ve always thought they went a bit…
There’s no middle ground when it comes to the 10mm Auto. Shooters either love it—some to rapture—or they deride it as overrated and unnecessary. For a long time the doubters almost prevailed. Introduced in 1983, the “Ten” drew little initial…
Every hunter is only as good as their cold bore shot. First shots count in hunting–you may not get another–so you better hit first time, every time. Rifle zero is important, too. Whether you are a long-range hunter or, like…